Coach’s Corner: How to Set Goals for the Year

Coach’s Corner: How to Set Goals for the Year

Reaching your goals in business is all about making sure you’re doing the right things on a consistent basis. Last year, I talked about tracking connections, coaching invitations, success club, and vital behaviors. And all of these are important. But I know that a lot of you are numbers people; you like to set a tangible goal and track your progress toward it.

What is it that you like to focus on? Your revenue? Your clients’ success? New client acquisition? Something else? All of these are valid things to set goals around and track; you just need to decide what’s important to you and what you’re willing to take the time to track.

Some ideas of things you can track:

  • The number of potential clients you connect with
  • How often you’ll reach out to current clients
  • How many challenges you’ll run in the year
  • How many inches (or pounds) your clients collectively lose in the year
  • How many Shakeology clients you’ll have each month
  • How many times you make Success Club–and at what level

Now, you don’t have control over some of these potential goals, but you do have control over how you show up and encourage your clients.

The more you show up and work the vital behaviors, the more successful you will be. The more active you are, the more you’ll get in front of the people you want to support. The more you support your team, the more active they’ll be, and the more they’ll get in front of the people they want to support–which directly benefits you.

Ultimately, the idea is growth and how you’ll help more people (and bring in more revenue) this year. And let me say that there’s nothing at all wrong with wanting to make money in what you’re doing. This is a business and while starting up feels like a lot of work for little reward, if you stay consistent you’ll start to see results–just like consistent workouts and good eating habits will lead to physical results.

Once you’ve determined what your goals will be in the new year, put them down on paper and share them with your upline and downline. Then find a way to track them! Keep a spreadsheet where you record your results each month. Create a poster that’s on your wall or bathroom mirror so you can see it every day. Have a regular monthly check-in with your team to review goals. Just don’t forget in September what you set out to accomplish this year. You can do it!

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.