motivate clients during covid

Coach’s Corner: How to Motivate Clients in COVID

Are people on your Facebook feed complaining about the COVID 15? So many have lost their motivation to work out for myriad reasons.

  • Their schedule is so different now, with working from home and home schooling.
  • They’re not going anywhere, so what’s the point in trying?
  • They’ve been stress eating at home because of all the life changes.
  • Gyms are closed or have limited capacity and they don’t have the resources to work out from home.

As a coach, I know this is painful for you to watch. You know there’s a solution; it’s time to share it with your friends and followers.

Create a Connection

The thing we’re all missing most right now is connection. And usually, connection brings accountability because that allows you to check back in and see how customers are doing. Invite customers and those who are struggling right now into a private group where they can share challenges and wins in a safe space.

Set Expectations

Once in the group, make sure customers know what to expect. You can ask how they prefer to receive information–via email, text, phone call, Facebook messenger, etc.–so you can check in regularly and hold them accountable for their goals. Also let them know what you’ll be sharing in the group so they know to keep their eyes out. Invite them to share their own posts in the group, but be sure to let them know if there are any guidelines you want them to follow.

Give Support

Everyone needs a different type of support. For some, the regular check-ins are enough. For others, they’ll need help with finding the right workouts for their goals or finding recipes and nutrition plans that fit their lifestyle or nutrition restrictions. Others just want a place to meet others who have similar goals because others in their life may not be as supportive as they’d like.

Focus on Goals

When you make a new connection, be sure to find out what their goals are. This is where you should focus when following up with them and as they’re posting their needs in your group. Circling back to their why can help keep them on track. Do they have a wedding coming up they want to lose weight for? Is there an outfit in their closet they’re dying to wear again? Make sure you know what it is your customers are working toward and give them the resources they need to get there.

Share Your Struggles

It’s helpful for customers and community members to know that they’re not alone and that even the coach struggles sometimes. If you’re having a bad day, let them know. Just be sure to also include what you plan to do about it. Your community will see that everyone has a tough time, but that doesn’t mean you should give up.

I know you’re probably struggling right now too, but remember that this is why we’re coaches. And when we help others, we often help ourselves. For me, motivating others helps me to remember why I started working out in the first place and why I became a coach.

If you’re having trouble motivating your customers, reach out to me and let’s chat about some specific tools or resources that might work!

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.