dealing with uncertainty of holidays

Dealing with the Stress & Uncertainty of the Holidays

You’re dreading the holidays because you don’t know how to manage your nutrition plan in the middle of all the sweets, alcohol, and comfort food. You’re not alone!

Thankfully the holidays happen every year, so fellow coaches and I have developed some coping mechanisms that we like to share. That doesn’t mean we always get it right (we don’t), but it does mean that we have places to turn to help us be more successful. Here are just a few of them:

Exercise Regularly

This seems like a no-brainer, and I’m sure it’s something you’ve heard time and again. But it’s true! Exercise helps you burn off stress, and it will help you sleep better and feel better all the way around. Find times to sneak in some movement, even if you don’t do a full workout.

Be Kind to Yourself

If you’re sending negative messages to yourself, you’re going to be down, emotionally. Instead, find positive affirmations to help you shift your mindset. Just a few that you can start using are:

I have the power to create change in my mind and body.

Life is good. I live each day to the fullest.

I feed my spirit, train my body, and focus my mind.

I nourish my body with nutritious foods and my body is thankful.

I am confident that I can do it.

I can stand up for myself.

By exercising, I am a role model for my family and friends.

Good health is a journey, not a destination.

Share Your Goals

Your family and other loved ones won’t know to steer you away from the sweets and comfort foods if you don’t tell them your goals. Let them know ahead of time that you’re avoiding certain types of foods or trying to eat smaller portions. Knowing this in advance might keep Aunt Maria from insisting you eat her pumpkin pie.

Contribute to the Meal

If you know you can’t eat the broccoli casserole because of the cheese, find an alternative vegetable to bring with you instead. (One option I love is roasted Brussels sprouts.) You can control how much butter or lard goes into it, so make it a healthy option to share with everyone.

Eat with the Crowd

Opting to eat alone so you’re not tempted to eat fatty foods is a sure way to feel isolated and lonely in your journey. If you must, have a healthy snack before dinner (I often have my Shakeology before a family dinner) and then choose the most healthy options on the buffet (I am less tempted to go wild with overeating when I have had a healthy snack before eating). And be sure to keep portion sizes small.

Give Yourself a Reward

This is a great way to get your family and friends involved and on board with you meeting your goals. If you meet your goals, reward yourself (and select loved ones) with a day at the spa, lunch out, a staycation, or some other reward that will motivate all of you.

Holidays don’t have to be your downfall, so long as you plan ahead and enlist the help of people who care about you. Who will help you meet your goals?

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.