social media for business

Coach’s Corner: Top Tips for Using Social Media for Your Business

As a coach, your main priority is to help your customers. And to do that, you need to be visible to them, getting in front of prospective customers with encouragement, education and support.

This wouldn’t be possible without social media.

But with so much noise out there, so many products available and so many distractions, using social media to try to grow a business can be frustrating. So what are the best ways to get noticed?

Be a product of the product.

You can’t really sell what you’re not using and successful with. Use the products and post about it. Which Shakeology flavors do you love? How do you change your shake up with new recipes? Which workouts are your favorites–and why? What are you doing to make changes in your workout routine? What nutrition programs are working for you?

Of course, you don’t want all your social media posts to be about the product. Mix in some real life too, because people connect with other people–not the product.

Show little wins along the way.

Transformation posts are so much fun because they’re motivating and they show what’s really possible. But big transformations are difficult and they take a lot of time. Someone who is a long way away from an “after” photo may feel discouraged. And, it’s important to note that transformations are more than just physical. A mindset, life, personal, emotional, family, habit transformation is also a huge win.

Don’t stop posting big transformations, but do mix them up. Include posts about your own mindset shifts. Or a change you (or a customer) made in a morning habit that helped success come sooner. Or maybe a customer was able to get their partner on board with a new workout, making it easier for them both to find the motivation they need. Little things, added up, can lead to big changes.

Be consistent.

It can be difficult to show up day after day, week after week, month after month. And it’s frustrating if you feel like no one is watching. There are two factors at play here: First, because of social media algorithms, your followers don’t see everything you post online. So don’t feel like you’re over-posting if you post something every day. You’re not.

Also, just because someone isn’t liking, sharing or commenting on your posts doesn’t mean that they’re not watching you. Many people watch from the shadows for a long time before reaching out to you. And when they do reach out, they may do so privately. So keep an eye on your direct messages and keep on showing up!

YOU make the difference.

I said earlier that people want to buy from you. It’s not always about the product. Look at how many people are sharing about their health and nutrition products. (It’s a LOT.) So show your personality in what you’re posting and share some of your life. What makes you unique and different? What makes your perspective or journey different?

It’s important to stand out from the crowd in how you’re showing up online by posting about your hobbies, quirks, interests, goals and so on. Find what makes you different from the next coach and capitalize on that.

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.