Keep It Healthy While Traveling

Sure, eating healthy is important to a healthy lifestyle. But when you’re traveling, you have to reset your expectations and loosen the reins a bit. Shoot, you want to do that when you’re on vacation, right?

First, take stock of how well you eat on a day-to-day basis. For example, if you tend to eat clean 100% of the time, you’re going to be likely be more successful when challenged with “abnormal” meal situations than if you only tend to eat clean 60% of the time.

Personally, I eat about 80 percent clean at home. So when I’m on vacation, because I know there will be meals or days when I’m “off,” I do still try to make good food choices, but I’m happy if I eat clean 60% of the time. When you’re traveling, be sure to plan ahead how you’re going to stay as on-track as possible. But be sure to leave room for some flexibility so you can have some fun without the stress.

Be Prepared

healthy meal

Healthy eating at the airport with Chelsea’s Kitchen Kale Quinoa Salad with chicken (no cheese).

Planning ahead for travel days is key. Airport restaurants are becoming healthier, but there’s no guarantee what kind of food we’re going to have available.

To prep for a travel day, I bring along a shake and pack a cooler with smart snacks. Almonds are healthier than peanuts and I bring grapes so I won’t eat cookies. I also make sure to have something healthy and filling to eat before I leave the house.

When we stay with my family in Michigan, I have a cooler on-hand with healthy foods since the fridge is usually full. And I shop for healthy meals I can cook and then share with the rest of the family—like a quinoa dish I love or steamed veggies as a side.

Options for Eating Out

It’s impossible to avoid eating out when you’re on vacation. Luckily, restaurants are doing a better job of offering options for healthy eating—even at fast food restaurants.

When we go out to breakfast, I ask for egg whites instead of whole eggs and I opt for whole wheat toast or fruit instead of pancakes. McDonald’s has started serving sandwiches with healthy breads, and I love Wendy’s harvest strawberry salad (with the dressing on the side). Nearly every restaurant has a grilled chicken sandwich, which is a great option without the sauce. And you can even enjoy pizza without the guilt, if you stick to one slice.

Alcohol and Desserts

Alcohol is a huge calorie-suck when eating out, not to mention it’s expensive. Personally, I don’t drink often. It’s important to remember that drinks are part of your calorie intake (sometimes a rather LARGE part…). I’d rather have a dessert than drink, so that’s usually the choice I make. But alcohol and desserts are a luxury, so pay attention to what you order and account for it in your calorie intake. It’s vacation, you should indulge a little, just be mindful of it if you want to stay on track.

At the end of the day, I’m not Perfect Patty. But I believe in modeling good choices for my kids. I’m not super-strict on vacation, and do allow them to indulge occasionally. I don’t deprive them, but let them know that stopping at McDonald’s or Dairy Queen is a treat. I’ve learned to be mindful, but flexible with my eating while on vacation so I can enjoy myself.

What do you do when you’re on vacation to treat yourself, without completely falling off your healthy eating track?

xoxo - Lee

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.