June 2014 Beachbody Summit

Celebrating Together with 9,000 Friends in Vegas

What an Amazing,
FUN experience I had at the Beachbody Summit in June!


This once-a-year convention & celebration for Beachbody coaches takes place in Vegas baby! Besides being in the city that never sleeps, I got the chance to meet some of my team members for the first time and spend some time with other team members that live all across the country. What a great opportunity to build deeper relationships with my team since most of the time we work together virtually.

Besides hanging with my peeps, there was lots of other fun to be had:

  • Live, in-person workouts with the Celebrity Beachbody trainers. Where else can you get together with 9,000 other people who all voluntarily wake up early on a Saturday morning to SWEAT on the Las Vegas Strip?
  • Exciting NEW product announcements – look for my review of the all-new 3 Day Refresh next week. You can also check out Beachbody’s latest workout program PiYO that just launched
  • Recognition and celebration for my team and me – we got to reflect on the year’s hard work of helping people reach their health and fitness goals and our personal successes in meeting financial milestones
  • Opportunity to learn from top Beachbody coaches
  • Finding new friends and networking with all the other Beachbody coaches
  • Meet and greets as well as photo ops with Celebrity Trainers
  • Creating a PLAN OF ATTACK (so to speak) so my team and I can hit the ground running to help thousands of people take their health and fitness to the next level

I hope you are finding many ways to celebrate today with your friends and family!

Our team at Beachbody Summit

Thanks Jen Kelley for capturing our team at summit!

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.


  1. Cassie Hubanks on July 7, 2014 at 1:00 pm

    Summit changed my life. It wiped away any apprehensions I had about moving forward with my Beachbody business. It cleared my head from the fog and allowed me to see the light. I am working for a company that wants to change the world, for the better! How awesome is that? I cannot wait to experience Nashville! PS: day one of new product 3 day refresh is going excellent and I am forcing myself to drink and eat because I am full!

  2. Debra Rodriguez Lum on July 7, 2014 at 5:20 pm

    Thank you Lee, for all you do! Summit was Awesome!