healthy summer drinks

Healthy(ish) Summer Drink Alternatives

There’s been a big shift in the beverage department of any grocery store—and the drink menu at your favorite restaurant. Your adult beverage options are no longer beer, wine, and cocktails. Now you have several handfuls of other options, including alcohol free alternatives, energy drinks, and some old favorites coming back.

While I don’t endorse any of these, I do want to share what I’ve tried and some other options if you’re looking to take a break from your old stand-by.

Alternatives to Water

Of course, there’s really no alternative to water. We need it, daily. But once you hit your quota of water for the day, you may want to try some water alternatives. If you’re looking for an extra little hydration, try adding Beachbody’s Hydrate to your water. I am particularly fond of this during my summer tennis matches.

Flavored, carbonated waters are all the rage right now and the options are really endless. La Croix and Bubly are popular picks. I’m partial to Aha brand, which has caffeinated options too.

You can also try some of the electrolyte waters, which might be good if you’re spending a lot of time in the sun or working out. Be sure to check the labels for added sugars. Essential and Propel both come bottled and you can use powders and tablets like Nuun and Ultima with plain water to boost your electrolytes.

Alternatives to Alcohol

The list of alcohol free beers, wines, and cocktails has grown rapidly over the last few years. It used to be that your only alcohol free beer option was O’Douls, but both craft and domestic varieties are available now at the grocery store and in restaurants. There’s a long list of alcohol free wines and even spirits that contain no alcohol.

Other options include kombucha (though some contain alcohol, so be sure to watch the labels) and a fun Coke with Coffee—which fuses…coffee and Coca-Cola.

Old Favorite Alternatives

Remember Zima? It was discontinued in 2008 but made a return in 2017 and 2018 in limited release. If you loved this beer alternative, you’re in luck with other malt options.

If you’ve never been a beer lover, there are now new varieties that may be more to your taste. We’re talking beer seltzers, flavored beers, and even beer mixes. Every month there seems to be more on the shelves. Here’s a list of choices from June 2021.

The thing is, you don’t have to turn to the same beverages at the pool or on vacation. Get creative and try out something new! I’ll be sure to keep you updated and let you know what new goodies I find!

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.