coaching team community

Coach’s Corner: Creating Community Within Your Coaching Team

Many large organizations do a great job of encouraging team members and rewarding them with events, Beachbody among them.

But with everything shut down for so long, a lot of those incentive trips and prizes have been postponed…and then eventually canceled. A few of the last year’s reward trips have offered vouchers that allow us to go on our own when we can.

I’m not complaining; I’m always up for taking a trip that I’ve earned. But what’s disappointing is that the opportunity for community and connection during these trips is now gone.

I love the Beachbody annual convention, Super Saturdays, and the success retreats because it’s my chance to see team members in person and connect with them. Just like at an office job, in-person events are an opportunity to have watercooler conversations that we’re not able to have virtually.

Since events aren’t happening right now, my leadership team and I have taken matters into our own hands.

If you’re a coach with a team of coaches working under you, we recommend doing the same–to the extent you’re comfortable.

Host Your Own Small Event

In May, my team and I will host an intimate retreat in Orlando to reward coaches who have stuck with it through this difficult year and earned Diamond level. We’ll cover some meals, play in the sun, do a little bit of work, and have a lot of fun. Most of all, we’ll be connecting in person and growing relationships. I may even rent a van so we can all go to the beach for the day.

Other Connection Ideas

If you’re not comfortable with travel yet or have team members who aren’t ready for it, there are other options.

  • Host a drop-in Zoom room once a week. I know Zoom isn’t the best alternative to in-person connection, but you can still make it somewhat organic. Keep a Zoom room open all day once a week, manned by a leader on your team. Give the link to your team members and let them pop in to co-work or ask questions as needed.
  • Host a “parking lot” at the end of your regular meetings. When your Zoom call is over, leave the Zoom room open a little longer. This allows attendees to hang out in the “parking lot” before heading on their way.
  • Send a handwritten note of gratitude. Instead of a mass thank you email to all your team members, get in the habit of saying thank you the old-fashioned way with a snail-mailed note. Send one or two a day until you’ve connected with all your team members.

Of course, we’re all tapping our toes, impatiently waiting for the world to open back up again. It seems like it’s coming, and I, for one, can’t wait!

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.