covid goals

COVID: Not a Reason to Slack on Goals

COVID has been a “great” excuse for many to avoid the gym and eat what they want–rather than what’s good for them. Even I have spent quarantine acquiring a midsection “tire” that I’m not happy about.

So I’ve been working to correct that. I turned to the Ultimate Reset again to clean up my diet, and then started back up with the Morning Meltdown 100 again. I’ve done this program before, and it’s a great go-to that’s low pressure and easy to implement. And it allows for some grace. You don’t have to complete all 100 workouts in a row; if you miss a day here or there you just pick up where you left off. It’s also perfect for someone like me who wants some variety in their workouts!

Read more about the variety of this program here and my review of the program here.

The best way to get back on track and really stick to it is to have a plan. Here’s just part of mine:

  • Find some accountability. I have a group of people who did the Reset with me, which helped a lot! We were able to check in with one another each day and even exchange food ideas–so we never got bored. Knowing that other people are out there on the same path as you is key.
  • Continue with the accountability. When you’re done with a reset-type program, it’s important to make sure that your new habits are well established. This might include an ongoing accountability group to help with motivation and recipes–or even for a shoulder to cry on. I have an ongoing Eating to Win group for that! If you need some accountability, email me!
  • Establish routines around your goals. This could look like getting up early to get your workout in or maybe it’s going on an after-dinner walk with your family each day. Or it just might be joining a tennis club or adult recreational volleyball league. Whatever helps you move more each day, do it!
  • Prep your meals. This is a challenge for me, but when I spend time to plan out and prep meals ahead of time we eat out less, eat healthier and I save loads of time and money. Set aside some time each weekend to plan a few meals for the following week and batch cook things like your proteins and carbs and chop your veggies for meals. You’ll never have to guess what’s for dinner again! (Well…most of the time.)

COVID has been difficult on so many of us, but it’s time to stop using it as an excuse to slack on your health and fitness goals. (I’m telling myself this as much as I’m telling you!)

How can I help support you in your goals?

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.