My Holiday Challenge Results - I'm More Than a Mom

Reality Check – How I Did With My Holiday Challenge

Holiday fun with the family

Holiday fun with the family

In November, I pledged to give myself the gift of Health & Fitness for the holidays. I really didn’t want to start 2015 off kicking myself for my anti-fitness behavior in the last 2 months of 2014.

The Results


A parade of holiday cookies, and me, completely unprepared…

So, how’d I do? (How did you do? Please share in the comments!) Overall, I was about 60% successful in sticking to health and fitness during the holidays. The place I really fell flat was in clean eating. I did well and stuck to it the first few days, and then the company arrived. And so did the goodies. Sigh.

We baked, attended cookie exchanges and I failed to take most of my advice, specifically about planning properly before I left the house.

Yup, that was me arriving places with temptation laid out buffet-style and STARVING.

Precisely not how that should have happened, but I’ve got to keep trying. Overall, the damage done wasn’t severe, an additional 4 pounds according to the scale. BUT, I feel bloated and lethargic. Blah! I am starting to question my sugar addiction

My Nemesis – Sugar

My biggest downfall: SUGAR. I just can’t seem to stop once I start. You would think that I just wouldn’t start. That would be the easy and logical solution. Or to plan ahead and bake some really yummy goodies that contain better sugar sources and aren’t fully addictive. I’m thinking about seeing a naturopath to get tested for Candida overgrowth or food allergies.

On the exercise front, things were better. I hiked a few times per week and did some additional workouts. I had a few glasses of wine (but that is allowed if you properly plan for it – I learned that in the 21 Day Fix, thanks Autumn). I have put workouts on my calendar and I am in more of a habit of making time for them. However, there was definitely room for improvement in staying active. Here is to learning and improving in 2015.

2015 Starts with Insanity

I’ve started off 2015 by tackling a really scary program for me, Insanity Max:30. You can follow my struggle progress on my Facebook page. I’ll be posting a wrap up of that program in February.

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.