Already? Getting Ready for Back to School

My Kids heading back to school

My Kids heading back to school

When did going back to school get so complicated? Okay, well part of the complication is sending 3 kids to school. Our kids attend a charter school, so it is a little different because they have uniforms and we have to purchase books for the school year.

With all activity around getting ready for back-to-school, I’m not sure that I am ready for kids to go back. Selfishly, I love the sleepy mornings they tend to enjoy and I am sure they would prefer to extend their summer vacation if it were up to them. But, part of me is ready after being the Head Counselor for Camp Ratterman this summer.


I think this can be a unique task depending on the school. Instead of getting the list and hunting through the aisles at the store for my 3rd & 5th grader, this year I took advantage of EduKit, a company that sells preassembled school supplies by grade level. They work with certain schools and our school happened to be one of them. I admit I may miss a little of the chaos of finding the 4-pack of Black Expo Markers or the pre-sharpened Ticonderoga #2 pencils. I got out of shopping for supplies for my 8th grader this year because he wanted his grandma to take him. He and I ordered a few items from and then he and grandma set out on an adventure to get the rest. I think I owe her big time for taking on this!


Yes, I am actually thankful for these too. Morning are so much simpler, because getting dressed is easy. This is almost a necessity with 4 kids to get ready and out the door, the more steps I can eliminate the better. Uniforms have removed the fights about which outfit to wear. Instead, my daughter can choose skirt, shorts or pants, white or blue shirt, sweater or no sweater. With my boys it’s even easier: shorts or pants and then white or blue shirts. I just love it!

Another simplicity with uniforms is that back-to-school shopping is just 2 stops. Go to the uniform store and then the shoe store. DONE! Last year, I was amazed at the cost too. I thought it was going to be super expensive, but it wasn’t.


Since we are at a charter school, we buy books too. Fortunately, this is pretty easy also. Barnes and Noble is our one-stop-shop. We just go look up the school and grade, find the books and purchase. We have the preferred membership there, so we even get a discount.

Ready for Back to School

Sending the kids back to school starts out with a lengthy list of tasks and errands, but really it is another milestone to remind me that they are all growing up. Oh, and that eventually this Arizona summer will end and fall will be here!

What is your favorite, or dreaded part of back-to-school season?


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About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.