Remodel, Construction, plumbing, digger

Heavy Equipment, Dust & Noise – Signs of Big Things to Come

It started last week, and now that it is here I’m still feeling nervous & a little scared. Six years ago when we first looked at our house, we knew it would be a great place to raise our family and had the potential to be the house we always dreamed of. It is one thing to stretch yourself to imagine possibilities, but it can be downright SCARY to put those possibilities into motion and start to realize your dreams. Remodeling our house to accommodate our family and make it our own is one of those dreams that is now really happening.

For me, one of the most intimidating aspects of undertaking a remodeling project is having to fill the role of interior designer. Don’t get me wrong, I am so grateful to be able to start making this dream a reality – I know not everyone gets the chance. But still, there is that knot that forms in my stomach when I have to step outside my comfort zone and stretch myself to new things. It is a little tempting to resist… refuse to budge out of my well traveled path (I know it so well…). BUT, that would mean missing out on getting what I once only hoped for -become the life I get to live.

For the next 5 months our lives are going to be banged, dusted, demolished, built and jostled about while we transform our home. I think it is a good metaphor for any journey to realizing your dreams. The path can be difficult, scary, push you where you aren’t sure you are ready to go and filled with inconveniences, but you need to embrace every bit of it because it is all part of getting to where you want to be. So, I keep reminding myself of that when I see the digger in the front yard and when I have to choose tile or a bathroom fixture. If I never stretch myself and welcome change into my life, then I can’t ever get to the life I want to live.

Have you experienced “growing pains” on the path to your dreams? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

About Lee

I am a 44-year old married mom of 4. I love my family. If you’re a mom, then you know kids and a spouse keep you busy. It’s easy to forget yourself in the process of taking care of your family. My mission is to help other moms take care of themselves so they can be more available to their loved ones and lead more fulfilling lives.